
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Photo Challenges: Scavenger Hunt & Thankful

Today was SO pretty with the snow on the ground and the sun out! I was driving out around Issaquah today and stopped about every 100 feet or so to take a picture of one thing or another. Yes, I took my camera to work with me today. Here is what I came up with! Might as well include the shots in this week's scavenger hunt.

The View Above -

Something Hot -

Something Cold -

Electronic -

Sparkle - 

Thanksgiving Photo Challenge - A Sorta Fairytale

I am thankful for so much. My family, my friends, Mike and I still having a job in this economy...but this week's photo will be of my pup Charlie. I am thankful for him because he is such a source of joy and love each and every day. Even when I have had a difficult day, he makes me feel better. So here's my entry for Thankful.


  1. I love your pictures, you really have a talent. I try but my pictures never turn out the way I want them to. I especially love the picture of you dog Charlie he is adorable. I have never been a dog person...well really a pet person because I never had a pet when I was a kid. I have always thought of them as dirty and nothing that I would be interested. However, since I have been blogging I have noticed that so many women get comfort and unconditional love from their dogs and it has made me reconsider. I realize it is a huge obligation but a rewarding one. I have just started to work on hubby to think about the possibility. I am not taking the decision lightly but I am starting to get excited about the possibility.
    Anyways, thanks for sharing your pics!

  2. You electronic photo is awesome... and your sparkle picture... love some icicles!
    And Chupa- such a studly dog!

  3. WOW - I am so glad you linked've got some incredible pictures here and I am so excited to be following you now. I look forward to seeing your interpretation for next week's list!


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